

Thanks to caring people from all over the world we saved Dmytro Svichynskyi by raising 2,050,000 USD on the drug Zolgensma in 80 days. However, even according to unofficial data in Ukraine, more than 200 families still need treatment for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).

Parents of sick children with SMA continue to make every possible and impossible effort, but without the help of the state, seriously ill children are simply doomed. They have a few months because, without proper treatment, children with SMA and other orphan diseases die before they are two years old.

Together we can achieve extraordinary results! We have proved that with the example of a charity fundraiser for the treatment of Odessa resident Dmytro Svichynsky!

We offer the following solutions:

Purchase medicines registered in Ukraine – Rysdiplam or Spinraza for 90 children 1-2 types of SMA, in 2021, by concluding controlled access agreements or otherwise. Approximate cost of UAH 400 million.

Develop a national protocol for the treatment of children with SMA (currently non-existent).

Create an electronic register of patients with SMA.

Develop a comprehensive long-term program to support children with SMA, which will provide funding for:

  • purchase of medicines for people of all types of SMA;
  • introduction of early neonatal screening of children for SMA in maternity hospitals; UAH 150 million
  • creation of reference centers, on a territorial basis, for children with orphan diseases, where they will work with multidisciplinary teams of doctors.

Introduce mandatory family information about possible genetic risks that could lead to the birth of a sick child.

Negotiate with Roche to continue the Risdiplam early access program, which ended in July 2021.

Currently, 58 families in Ukraine receive free treatment under this program.

Negotiate with Novartis, the developer of the Zolgensma gene therapy drug, on registration of the drug in Ukraine; purchase of Zolgensma at the expense of the state budget.

      Innovative drugs are often made by one manufacturer. They are sold under confidential agreements, offering each country a special price. The conclusion of controlled access agreements makes it possible to negotiate a discount and receive drugs cheaper than they are supplied to the markets of countries with higher incomes.
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