Manifest Mira created the Guildline for volunteers of orphanages & boarding schools

Zmist Children's Rights Advocacy Program

The main goal is that every child in the Odesa region who finds themselves in difficult life circumstances receive timely, qualified, and competent assistance, as well as support, care, love, protection, and realization of their rights.


Problems we solve:

Children in difficult life circumstances don't receive quality social services that would help them cope with the consequences of such living conditions,  which they find themselves in, and the situations they have encountered.

  • Research: a study of situations, identification of root problems, collection, and systematization of information.
  • Production: semantic products and communication that help achieve the ultimate goals of the project.
  • Working with the info field: Informing citizens about the deinstitutionalization reform and the most effective ways to support children in difficult life circumstances.

The mission of the project is to become a bridge between the established traditions of charity in the field of the protection of children's rights and a progressive, competent, participatory society, one of the main priorities of which is the protection of children's rights.

Manifest Mira supports  Deinstitutionalization reform


Manifest Mira supports  Deinstitutionalization reform

Guideline for deputies on the Deinstitutionalization reform:

In their election speeches, many politicians talk about supporting children. Often we can hear about helping children in orphanages. For example, they promise to make the most comfortable orphanages in their district and help financially.

"Manifest Mira" Charitable Foundation Team has compiled a guideline on how to speak correctly about children's institutions, about the children in them, and about the system of protecting children's rights in general.


Manifest Mira created Guideline for deputies on Deinstitutionalization reform
(click on the image for the pdf)


Guideline for volunteers working with orphanages:

It will be useful for volunteers who start working with children living in care institutions. In the brochure you will find step-by-step instructions, we also share our accumulated experience, acquired competencies, and a list of literature that we recommend you read.

Manifest Mira created the Guildline for volunteers of orphanages & boarding schools
(click on the image for the pdf)


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